Embrace Your Inner Miracle Worker: My Journey with "A Course in Miracles"

Jody Agard • July 26, 2024

Today, I want to share something incredibly transformative that has revolutionized my life: "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM). Now, before we dive in, I want to address something upfront: despite what you might come across on the internet, ACIM is not a cult. I have been studying it for the last fifteen years, and it is the total opposite of a "cult". It's a spiritual framework that empowers you to connect with your true self and embrace a life of love and abundance.

Ok, moving on...

If you've been following me for a while, you know I'm all about aligning with our highest selves, manifesting our dreams, and living in abundance. ACIM is a powerful tool that can help us do just that.

Discovering "A Course in Miracles"

I stumbled upon ACIM at a point in my life when I was searching for deeper spiritual meaning and connection. This course isn't just a book; it's a spiritual journey that guides us to shift our perception from fear to love. It's about unlearning all the limiting beliefs that hold us back and remembering the truth of who we are: divine, powerful, and capable of creating miracles.

What is ACIM?

"A Course in Miracles" is divided into three parts: the Text, the Workbook for Students, and the Manual for Teachers.

The Text lays the foundation, providing the theoretical framework for the course. The Workbook offers 365 lessons, one for each day of the year, designed to train our minds to think with love rather than fear. The Manual for Teachers answers questions and clarifies terms, guiding us on how to teach and share these principles.

One of the most profound teachings of ACIM is the idea that the world outside of us is an illusion ( I know, right?!). Our perceptions are shaped by our thoughts and beliefs, and by changing these, we can transform our experience of the world. This concept can be incredibly liberating as it places the power of change within our own minds.

The Power of Mindset Shifts

One of the most profound lessons I've learned from ACIM is the power of mindset shifts. Our thoughts create our reality. When we choose to see through the lens of love instead of fear, we open ourselves up to infinite possibilities. ACIM teaches us to recognize and release the ego's grip and embrace our true nature.

For instance, one of my favorite lessons is Lesson 34: "I could see peace instead of this." It's a reminder that in any situation, we have the power to choose peace over conflict, love over fear. This simple shift in perception can change everything.

ACIM also teaches that forgiveness is not about pardoning others for their mistakes but about remembering the truth of who we are. It’s about letting go of the illusions and grievances that keep us trapped in a cycle of pain and instead, embracing the love and light that reside within us.

Practical Applications in Life

You might be wondering, "How does this apply to my everyday life or profession?" Let me tell you, it's everything.

When you approach your life from a place of love and abundance, rather than fear and scarcity, magic happens. You attract people who resonate with your energy, opportunities flow effortlessly, and you create a life that's not just successful, but soul-fulfilling.

For instance, when I was faced with a challenging situation with my work, I initially felt overwhelmed by the fear of failure. But by applying ACIM principles, I shifted my mindset to trust and abundance. I visualized the outcome I desired, filled with peace and success, and approached the situation with a calm, loving attitude. Guess what? It worked. The situation resolved better than I had imagined, and the positive feedback was beyond my wildest dreams.

In personal relationships, these principles are equally transformative. By choosing to see others through the lens of love and forgiveness, we can heal old wounds and build stronger, more loving connections. ACIM teaches that forgiveness is about letting go of illusions and grievances, allowing us to embrace the love and light within ourselves and others.

Whether you're navigating a career, nurturing relationships, or pursuing personal growth, ACIM's teachings can guide you to a more peaceful, abundant, and fulfilling life. By seeing through the illusion of the external world and remembering the truth of who we are, we unlock our potential to create miracles in every aspect of our lives.

Daily Practice and Commitment

Incorporating ACIM into your daily routine is key. I start my day with a lesson from the Workbook, followed by meditation. This practice grounds me and sets a positive tone for the day. It reminds me to approach everything – my business, relationships, and challenges – from a place of love.

Final Thoughts

"A Course in Miracles" is more than a spiritual guide; it's a way of life. It's about remembering our true essence and aligning with the divine power within us. By embracing these teachings, we can create a life filled with miracles.

I encourage you to explore ACIM and see how it resonates with you. Remember, you are a miracle worker, capable of manifesting your deepest desires and living a life of abundance and joy.

Sending you all the love and light,

Life is full of unexpected challenges—moments that shake us to our core and leave us feeling overwhelmed....

Today, I want to share something incredibly transformative that has revolutionized my life: "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM).

Now, before we dive in...

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"True Inner Peace Is Not Found In The Absence of Chaos,

But In The Ability To Remain Grounded and Centered Amidst The Storms of Life."

~ Jody


Dance Inside the Storm:

Embrace the Chaos, Align with Flow and Ease

Life is full of unexpected challenges—storms that seem to shake us off balance.

Some storms you may be experiencing...

Emotional Storms:

Waves of anxiety, stress, or sadness that feel like they never fully subside.

You may find yourself stuck in cycles of worry, constantly seeking peace but never quite finding it.

Life Transitions:

Major changes—whether it’s a career shift, a relationship ending, or a move—that leave you feeling ungrounded and unsure of your next steps.

Uncertainty and Fear of the Future:

The storm of not knowing what comes next can leave you feeling anxious and paralyzed.

You may feel lost, disconnected, or unable to trust life’s natural flow.

Perfectionism and Control:

Constantly trying to control outcomes or live up to impossible standards, only to feel exhausted and burnt out.

This storm keeps you stuck in a loop of doing, without ever feeling fulfilled.

Relationship Conflicts:

The stormy dynamics of relationships—whether it’s with a partner, family, or friends—can leave you feeling drained, unsupported, or misunderstood.

Financial Pressures:

When money becomes a source of stress, it can feel like a storm you can’t escape from.

You may be caught in cycles of fear around scarcity, security, and your future.

Overwhelm from Daily Responsibilities:

The constant juggling of work, family, and personal goals can feel like you’re spinning in a storm with no way out. You’re always busy, but never really moving forward.

But what if, instead of fighting against the storm, you could learn to move with it?

What if you could find peace, clarity, and alignment in the midst of life’s chaos?

Dance Inside the Storm is a 6-module online program designed to guide you through embracing life’s challenges, aligning with flow, and finding ease—even when life feels out of control.

This program will help you reconnect with your inner calm, navigate uncertainty, and live in harmony with life’s natural rhythm.

Through powerful teachings, guided practices, and practical tools, you’ll learn to:

Navigate life’s storms with grace

  • Develop the tools to stay grounded and calm, no matter what challenges come your way.

Align with the flow of life

  • Let go of the need to control and learn to move with life’s natural currents, allowing ease and alignment to guide you.

Embrace peace within the chaos

  • Discover how to find inner peace, clarity, and trust—even in the most turbulent moments of life.

Module 1: Understanding the Storm – Recognizing Life’s Challenges

Overview: In this module, you’ll learn how to identify the storms in your life, whether they are external challenges or internal struggles. You’ll explore how these storms impact your peace and create resistance.

Key Topics:

  • Identifying personal storms
  • Understanding the connection between resistance and suffering
  • Shifting perspective: seeing challenges as opportunities for growth

Module 2: Cultivating Inner Calm – Finding Your Center

Overview: This module will guide you in developing practices to remain centered and calm, even when chaos is swirling around you. You’ll explore how to create space for peace within yourself, no matter the external situation.

Key Topics:

  • Conscious breathing and mindfulness techniques
  • Grounding exercises for staying present
  • Creating inner calm through daily practices

Module 3: The Art of Surrender – Letting Go of Control

Overview: Learn the power of surrender and how letting go of control allows life to flow more naturally. You’ll explore the difference between surrendering and giving up, and how trust plays a crucial role in finding ease.

Key Topics:

  • Releasing the need to control outcomes
  • Embracing uncertainty with trust
  • Allowing life to support and guide you

Module 4: Aligning with Flow – Moving Gracefully Through Life

Overview: This module focuses on aligning with the flow of life and allowing things to unfold naturally. You’ll discover how to navigate challenges with grace and ease by trusting your inner guidance and living in harmony with life’s rhythm.

Key Topics:

  • Understanding flow and alignment
  • Trusting your intuition as a guide
  • Embracing life’s natural rhythms

Module 5: Thriving in Chaos – Building Resilience and Strength

Overview: In this module, you’ll build emotional and spiritual resilience to thrive during difficult times. You’ll learn how to stay grounded and open-hearted when faced with adversity, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

Key Topics:

  • Strengthening emotional and spiritual resilience
  • Staying grounded during difficult moments
  • Transforming challenges into growth opportunities

Module 6: Dancing with Life – Embracing Ease and Joy

Overview: This final module will bring everything together, teaching you how to dance through life with ease, joy, and flow. You’ll celebrate the inner transformation you’ve experienced and step fully into a life of peace, alignment, and fulfillment.

Key Topics:

  • Integrating peace and flow into everyday life
  • Celebrating your transformation
  • Living in alignment with joy and ease

Next Steps:

At the end of the program, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your journey, set intentions for moving forward, and have the opportunity to continue receiving support through one-on-one guidance or community groups.

PRICE: $297

Are You Ready to Dance Inside the Storm?

Join the waitlist for Dance Inside the Storm and be the first to learn how to live in flow, embrace ease, and find peace—no matter what life brings.

[Click here to sign up for the waitlist]
