Manifest U Podcast Episode: 008 | Manifesting Isn't About Sitting on

Your A$$

Jody Agard • Jun 07, 2022

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Hey! I’m Jody Agard and I’m thrilled to welcome you to the Manifest U Podcast!! The intention of the Manifest U Podcast is to give you the courage to manifest your deepest desires, the faith to embrace your future, and the confidence to start living an extraordinary life!!

Thanks to wildly popular book, "The Secret" there's a common misbelief that manifesting is merely letting life happen to you and simply expecting the millions of dollars to flow into your bank account. When a mom first comes to work with me, and asks, "How do I Manifest?"

I usually first start by busting the myth that it isn't all about sitting on your a$$. Its about defining what you want, declaring it, and aligning to that which you desire.

Join Jody in this week's episode of the Manifest U podcast, as she breaks this idea down and gives you real life examples as to how mindfulness and manifesting work together in powerful ways.


Links noted in episode:



[00:00:00] Welcome to the Manifest You Podcast, the show that helps you mindfully create a life you love with your host, Jody Agar. Hello. Hello. Welcome back to another episode with me this week. I am so excited to talk about this one. I just want to jump right in, but I also know the power of centering in. So I guess let's do that first. If you're not driving, I invite you to close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so and just get settled. Just let your shoulders drop a little bit in your facial muscles and your forehead and your fingers. And just relax into this present moment, knowing that it is truly the only one that matters. And you can go ahead and take a big, deep, cleansing breath in through your nose, nice and slow. You can hold the top just for a moment and then exhale, just letting it all be released. Just continue breathing nice and slowly in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. And as you're breathing, I invite you to repeat silently, I inhale ease. Just stick with that just for a second. And then let's go ahead and take one last deep, cleansing breath in through your nose, deep as you can go, hold the top and exhale through your mouth, just surrendering and releasing everything. And then you can open your eyes when you're ready. Hello. This conversation that we're going to have today, you and I, is birthed from just coming out of a wonderful, awesome conference. So there was a podcasting conference in Orlando, and I flew by myself. It was from Thursday through Sunday. But I really wanted to spend some time with my mom. And she still lives in Florida. And we always try to do something for Mother's Day. And with me being in Texas and her being in Florida, it's been a little trickier to navigate, but we always just find a way. And so this was one of those ways. I told her very clearly. I said, okay, listen, I really want to see you. But also when I'm at the conference, I just want to be at the conference. I don't want to have this split energy because I know logistically it would make sense for her just to come to the conference with me and me being able to see her afterwards and in between sessions. And I just didn't want to split my energy from my mom and also from the conference. Also, I wanted to be really present and mindful with whoever and wherever I was. I know that that's really hard to do when you have two things that you're passionate about and really want to spend time with. And so I sort of set some boundaries. And what we came up with was me coming in on Tuesday, flying in, and her coming in on Tuesday. And we had two glorious days at the hotel and just hanging out by the pool and sitting on the couch and just chitchatting about life. And it was just perfect. And I got a little bit too much sun. I am notorious, and I don't know why, because I should learn my lesson by now. But actually, I have not done this in like probably three years. So I've had probably four different basal cell cancers taken off my forehead and my leg and my face. So I've been really cognizant about just my sun exposure because I'm light skinned. So I do burn easily, and I know that I do. So I've just been really extra cautious. But for whatever reason, after a few years of practicing that this past weekend, I was like, no, I'm going to do what I used to do, which is I'm just going to soak up all the sun because it feels so good without sunscreen, just for a little bit, and then I'm going to put sunscreen on. Yeah, well, that didn't really work out very well for me. I completely forgot. So I think I went, I don't know, 45 minutes to an hour without sunscreen in the bright, potent, powerful Florida Sun, which I've lived in Florida for almost 28 years. So I know that doesn't work out very well. And so, yeah, I came out with a burn, and then I applied sunscreen, and then we proceeded to stay the rest of the day out in the pool. But it was just glorious. So I'm paying that price a little bit since I've been back. It's like peeling and it's just not pretty. So lesson learned. Hey, you got to slip and then come back. So I'm giving myself Grace at the same time. Like, okay, yeah, note to self. Don't do that again. It's feedback. Great. Thanks for the feedback, Mr. Sun. Mrs. Sun. Anyhow, so that was two glorious days. And then I walked into the conference all by myself. And it was just amazing. I went there by myself, but of course, I wasn't really by myself. It was a podcast. It was a conference called Podfest. And it was just so amazing to see. I don't know. I think there was like 1800, almost 2000 podcasters. I mean, we're talking some of the top of the top, all the way down to someone like me who just started. And it's just so powerful to be in that kind of energy with these beautiful, creative, loving, like minded people who are just there to spread their message far and wide through the means of a podcast and just hearing their stories and the origin of their podcast. Because like me, this podcast came from a deeper origin story. It came out of my life experience. And so just being with so many different people, it was just so powerful. And so, of course, as with all conferences that I've attended, I have a huge notebook filled just filled with notes from all the different sessions that I attended. And yeah, lots of pages. I knew that a part of sort of creating an action plan would be to be really clear on what it was that I really wanted to implement moving forward. And of course, I had pages and pages and pages of notes. So I was in the airport, tippy toeing back into reality, headed home. And as I sat there and waited for my flight, this sort of overwhelmed started to come up, and I recognized it. And I'm like, okay, I smell you. I know what you smell like overwhelmed. I've been here before, and so I'm not buying into it. And so I just kind of compiled my notes and made a bit of an action plan from this space of what would I love to implement this next quarter? Because I can't implement everything. I just simply cannot. And I've tried that before. I should be doing all the things all right now, in fact, all yesterday, and it just doesn't work that way. I ultimately end up becoming paralyzed with overwhelmed because there's so many things to implement. And so I didn't want to bring that kind of energy. I really wanted to create a plan mindfully. I just kind of jotted down. I went through all my notes, and I just jotted down this plan of what would I really love to do? What do I have to do? What is everybody else doing that I'm not doing? You know, coming from this, like, sort of scarcity mindset. I don't want to come from that energy. And I have so many times before coming out of conferences, and I just don't want to do that. And so once I got everything out on paper, then I could invoke the woo of it all, because I am all about the woo. In fact, the woo really drives my business and my life primarily, or at least I practice that. And what I mean by Whoo is manifesting. And there is this idea in the manifesting mindfulness world, and I think it kind of came from the secret, actually, as much as I loved that book when I first read it in 2006, I also felt like the author was kind of trying to make it into, oh, you just sit on your bed and you visualize, and then the million dollars just plops into your lap magically. And I just walked away feeling like, okay, this all sounds great, but, like, Where's the action? Because I'm sure you've heard before. I am a recovering type, A perfectionist who loves action. And I'm still recovering, by the way. I am in it for a decade, and I continually have to undo that mind. That part of Jodi, that personality part of me that just wants to get up and go. And although that there's a time and a place for that, most of the time, it does not serve me. And I'll explain why in a little bit. But there's this idea that in order to manifest, we're just visualizing and we're having faith that it'll come and we're just sitting on our asses. And that's just not true. I see it as it's about aligning with the energy and calling things into our lives with ease and Grace. I want to emphasize the beginning of that, though. It's about aligning with the energy, and that's the biggest piece for me that I really had to get on board with. And that has been really challenging to my go go type A mind because it's not just about sitting around eating bond bonds. That was an old commercial. It's really about aligning with the energy and calling things into our life. Truth be told, I five X my business simply by aligning with the energy of prosperity and calling things in. This year, I became an Amazon best seller by lasering in on my vision, my vision blueprint and expecting it to be delivered. Expecting the right person to show up, expecting the right conditions. I've manifested the really big things, including vehicles, the exact vehicles that I've wanted, and also the really little things like the parking spots. I've manifested money when I needed it the most. I remember as a single mom, it was fairly early on and for whatever reason, I can't even remember. I think I sold something. I don't know what it was or maybe it was from a garage sale that I had. I don't remember. But I remember I had like seven or $800 in cash and I lost it and I couldn't find it anywhere. And that was like huge to me. I needed it. And what I recognized is the more that I fixated on it being lost, the more that I was not able to find it. And that's the power of our mind, actually. But ultimately I ended up just kind of like letting it go in my mind and just letting it be okay. And then invoking this knowing that it was kind of being pushed aside right now and I wasn't supposed to have it in that moment. But when I did manifest it, when it did return to me because I knew that it would it would be returned to me at the most perfect time. And sure enough, it did. And I don't remember how long it took or the exact circumstances exactly, but I just remember that I found it. I think it was in the closet. I don't remember or maybe in a pair of pants, but I looked through all of my pants because I'm notorious for just shoving things in my back pocket. I think it was in my closet, though. And I remember I discovered it and I just burst into tears because that seven $800 was like me winning the lottery in that moment. That's how it felt like, oh, my gosh, my prayers have been answered. Thank you. I have a lot of experience with manifesting the little things and the big things, and they're all super fun and super important. And I've done that by taking inspired action, because taking inspired action is much more fruitful than me taking actions from the ego, which is all about lack and something's missing. And I have to hurry up. And this sort of idea of scarcity. And what I mean by inspired action, the word inspiration is actually in spirit, and that's what inspired action is. It's taking action through a power that's bigger than myself, the allknowing God source, the divine, whatever we want to call it. But we're allowing these actions to come through us rather than from the ego mind that says, you have to take this action now because you're going to be missing out the ego thought system, as you've heard me talk about, I'm sure a couple of times by now, is that lower energy, it's the lower vibe. It's that personality part of ourselves that we have to recognize that is a part of ourselves. You know, our personality traits are who we are on many levels, but it's just not all of who we are. We have this higher self that is connected to the divine. And when we can invoke calm and centeredness and peace and then take action, those actions that come out of that, they'll just move the needle so fast and so forward in ways that the personality part can't do or can do, they're just not as impactful. So my husband has a real hard time with this, and we've had a few conversations about this, and he knows I primarily operate from this now. I do. I've really undone the personality part of myself who's used to taking actions. And that's not to say I don't take actions from the personality part of myself. That lower vibe and my ego, I'm just so much more aware. And I generally try to take actions by being inspired, and it requires a lot of upfront work, you know, just making sure my mind isn't filled with negative thoughts and clutter because otherwise I'm just not going to feel the inspired action. But yeah, my husband has a real hard time with this, and it was a couple of weeks ago, we were having some kind of conversation and he said, yeah, but I can't just go around and smelling the roses all the time. Valid point, right? I'm pretty sure I've thought the same exact words. I can't just be sitting around and reading my books all day. And this is what I told them. I said, sure, but you can do things to be in the present moment and appreciate what's in front of you so that more of that attracts to you and you become a magnet. And I think he rebutted with something along the lines of, yeah, but I have to work hard. And I think I said something along the lines of not because you have to, though. That's the difference between the ego thought system and taking action that you're inspired to take the inspired action is doing things from a place of joy and being inspired and quiet enough to notice it and move through the energy of that. So for me, I don't goal set. Typically, I live from my vision blueprint of my life, and I allow that, and I let that pull me more than the actions of my ego. I don't work hard, but I put in the work. So for instance, a couple of weeks ago in preparation of the podcast, I woke up at 230 in the morning and I felt inspired and I felt pulled to work on my podcast. And so I didn't stop myself. I honored the actions I was being inspired to take in that moment. And working in the wee hours felt good. It didn't feel hard, and I've done that a lot of times. I just allowed the energy to flow through me. I didn't schedule a middle of the night session, but because I woke up naturally and I felt inspired, all I did was honor that. Now someone on the outside would say, well, that's working hard. No, it's not. It didn't feel hard. It felt good. And I didn't buy into this idea that I would be exhausted in the morning, although that's where my mind went. So I woke up. I felt inspired. My little ego thought system personality, part of Jody came in, yeah, but if you get up now, you're going to be dead tired and you have a full day of coaching. You have a full day of this, you have a full day of that. I recognized the thought and I refused to buy into it, and I instead reframed it and declared that I would feel energized and the energy would sustain me throughout the day. That was my mantra, and it did. I don't think I went to bed until 09:00 that night, which is normal for me. I'm an early to bed kind of Gal, and it did sustain me. But that wasn't me working hard. I just allowed the energy to flow. The ego's way is hard because that comes from making things happen and hustling. I've done the hustle before and I'm done with the hustle. Sure, there's busier seasons in my life. Like, for instance, the podcast launch and publishing a book and doing the launch of the book. Sure, there's busier seasons, but I'm done with the hustle energy because I know for me, I've seen it time and time and time again. It's way less fruitful. So why would I continue to operate from that energy? I look at it as kind of like a mud puddle. If we're walking through a mud puddle from one end to the other and it's just thick with mud, sure, I can get there. I can get to the other side. I can get from point A to point B, but the energy that it will take to get from the other side through the mud will be a hell of a lot more. And the mud here represents for me the egoic, personality part of myself. Energy. When I'm making decisions and taking action from this place of I have to. If I don't, I'll be missing out or I have to hurry up. That's all the ego. And the flip side of that is I could not go through the mud and I could stand outside of the big mud puddle, and I can still walk from one side to the other on land with ease and Grace and simplicity. All I do is put 1ft in front of the other. I don't have to expend a hell of a lot of energy. And that's the power of taking inspired action. That to me, is the symbol of that inspired action is waking up at 230 in the morning, opening up my laptop because I felt pulled to do so and taking action from that creative energy that was flowing through me at that time versus the ego forest action around working on my podcast, which would be okay from 12:00 p.m. Until 03:00 p.m.. I have to sit down and I have to do these things X, Y, and Z, even if I wasn't feeling it because, oh, this is the energy. This is my appointment with myself. I have to do it. Sure, I would get it done. But the amount of energy that that would take will be a lot more than if I just know that I'm going to be inspired to take action. Same result, different energy. And I can tell you, by working with countless moms and women and even men, flow is what we crave. When someone starts working with me, they say, I just want to feel in flow. I just want to feel like life is not so hard. I just want to feel relief and flow and inspired action go hand in hand. And I think that's a really hard part, though. I know for me it was because I went from this rock star employee back when I was in real estate to now creating a business on my own. And if you've been in the entrepreneur world, you know, hustling, you know, there's hashtags mom hustle, boss mom hustle. No. Whenever I see that, I'm like, no, no, thank you. I'm done with hustling. I am so done with hustling. I'm all about calling things in and being aligned with them and allowing them to flow through me with ease. Life can be easy. It does not have to be hard. And I've done it the hard way. I've done the hustling. I've done the insane humongous Todo lists that have robbed me of my joy for way too long. And I just don't choose to be in that energy anymore. My mind sometimes goes there, but then I bring it right back. So a lot of my work has just been undoing all of that. All of the personality traits of Jodi that have been the Huffler. And again, I work through my Vision Blueprint, which, by the way, side note, if you are interested because I am getting more and more requests for this. So I'm feeling like there is something called a Vision Retreat, which ultimately means that I will teach you exactly what the Vision Blueprint is and exactly how it can really change your life. It has changed mine along with every single one of my clients. And I'm feeling like it's time to share that beyond the scope of my coaching practice and my own life. And so if you are interested, you can go to my website and just click Vision Retreat. And I'll put up a preregistration form just to kind of get a pulse because the idea, the inspired action, this came out of me taking inspired action. By the way, I just feel this pull to offer this. So let me know if you'd be interested. And if you can go to my website and it'll take like 2 minutes. It's like a two minute little. Not even 2 minutes actually, probably a minute form, a preregistration form to see if you'd be interested. Okay. Anyways, so I feel like our only job is to honor that energy that we feel. And then I also think the most important thing though, is to trust it. I think just trusting in that action, trusting in the quote unquote plan that we cannot see, and trusting in the big picture that everything will get done on time, everything will unfold is huge. It's that trust piece I think that I really struggled with in the beginning and still sometimes struggle with. But then I recognize I'm not trusting. Okay, fine. I surrender and I'm trusting the process and I'm just trusting. I can say that with this podcast and launching this podcast, that's exactly what I've been applying. I had no clue how to set up a podcast. I had no clue what it would entail. But moment by moment by moment, I came from taking inspired action. And now looking back, and even while I was in it, it feels and felt so easy. And if you would have told me five years ago that I would just start a podcast with ease and get it up all the different platforms, Apple, you have no idea how many platforms there are for podcasts. Oh, my gosh, there are so many. But it was just easy because I've aligned with the energy and I was ready to just take action from the place of inspiration and not my ego. If I would have taken ego action, this podcast would have been launched. No joke. Like six years ago, actually longer than that. 2014 was the first year that I had the idea of launching a podcast. And it just did not feel right. Even though I had the idea, I wasn't lined up with it yet. And the reason is, and I can see this in hindsight, is because my business had to kind of go through this transformation to get to where I am now. And now I just have a knowing that I'm locked into this for a while, teaching manifesting and mindfulness and all the things. But it took a while, but I could have very well have taken action from my ego. You better hurry up. So many coaches are doing this. If you don't do it now, you're going to miss out. It's a smart business idea. This podcast would have been launched long ago, but that is not ideal to me. I don't want to take action from those places anymore because I know that it wouldn't be as fruitful than taking action from this inspired place. So this idea of trusting in that action, trusting in that plan that we cannot see is really difficult for our personalities. But here's the truth. We're not trusting ourselves. I'm not trusting Jodi. I'm not trusting the ego part of me. The ego is not to be trusted. So why would I trust in the ego? A lower vibration. I don't want to trust myself. I mean, I do trust myself in many ways, but I want to trust in something bigger than myself. A power bigger than myself. My higher self. I want to trust in taking actions from my higher self and not from Jody the small eye. Because my higher self has the whole lay of the land, can see the whole picture, can see the whole whiteboard the whole big plan. And I can't see it. And my ego wants to buy into this belief that I need to know the whole big plan before taking action. And I do not. I do not need the whole plan. My ego loves the personality part of myself, loves to make shit happen and quote unquote, figure things out. But I can move the needle in my business life, my mothering, my marriage and everyday tasks much more quickly and swiftly and more efficiently, by the way, and feel good the whole entire time. Well, most of the time, much faster than I can in taking action from my ego. I really feel like taking inspired action is the path to a smooth day. It really is. And what really helps me. And so that becomes the work, though for me, the work is always about getting out of my head, getting out of the egoic mind, getting out of my personality part of myself who wants to figure it out thinks she's got all the reasons and all the answers, getting out of that and in tune with my higher self. And that happens by creating white space. That's why I'm such an avid meditator in the morning, because I got a lot of shit in my mind and I've got to clear that shit out by like 07:00 a.m. No joke. My mind is already going. If I wake up at 05:00 a.m. By seven, I have a mind full of stuff. And I become mindful of it because I know that it's not who I am. And I know that I have to undo. I don't have to. But I like to undo the grip that my personality, part of myself, often has on me. And so I do that through meditation and sitting and just breathing, putting my hands on my heart and clearing out all of the mental crap that says, I've got to do this and I've got to do that. I should have been doing this a long time ago. I should have been doing that. No, the present moment. The more that I've come back to the present moment this morning as so I don't even know if I finished my sentence earlier, but this morning I just felt that bubbling up again, the feeling like I was explaining earlier when I was at the airport waiting for my flight to head back home, and I just jotted everything down. I neutralized it, and it felt good to neutralize that sense of overwhelm and just come back and just say, no, this does not all have to be done right now. What would I like to focus on these next three months not coming from lack and limitation and scarcity? What would I like to do? What would lift me up? What would make me feel good? What would be beneficial to my listeners, to my students and my programs, to my oneonone coaching clients, to my social media? And what would feel good? What would feel good leads everything else that's me being inspired. And I know that when I'm in the flow, when I'm in the state of creativity, everything's just easier, whether it's me launching a podcast or writing a book or publishing a book. So I've written this is my 9th book that I've got actually done. I've got the first draft done, and I wrote it during the pandemic, and it was really easy to write. And now comes the hard part, the editing, which also I'm not trying to buy into the belief that the editing part is hard. That's a story that I've told myself time and time again that I've also had to undo. But it is time consuming, and it is easier if I align with the energy. But I've been shown by step by step by step how to do these things, how to create a coaching curriculum, how to create a coaching program, how to create an online video, how to edit online videos, how to create a podcast, how to launch a podcast, how to write a book, how to edit a book, how to find an editor, how to publish it, how to self publish on Amazon and Audible. I haven't, quote, unquote, figured those things out, although on the outside somebody would say that I have every single action that came from birthing. Those things have come from me being inspired to take this action and that action and this step and that step and call this person and call that person hired this person. And that person hasn't come from a place of ego. And that's why it's been fairly easy. I don't want to say super easy because it has not been easy to do all these things, but fairly easy. The work has always been aligned. First, align in my mind, declare what I want, create my vision, my blueprint, live from that and the technology of it and the power of it. And the action steps will just be rolled out like a red carpet. And I'll know what to do next. And I've seen that time and time and time and time again. There's this prayer that I really love from my dear teacher Jennifer Hadley with a Course in Miracles and I'll read it to you. It's something I refer back to and I have written down in a couple of different places to help me remind myself that I don't want to take action from my ego. But it's called one with perfect action. I am one with perfect action. Everything that I do say or think is quickened into action through this right understanding, this correct knowing the harmonious action of the great whole operates through me now and at all times. I am carried along by this right action and am compelled to do the right thing at the right time. There is nothing in me that can hinder this action from flowing through me. The action of God is the only action and you can change that. You know, if God doesn't resonate with you. The action of the universe is the only action. The action of source is the only action. So I read that frequently. I also have affirmations actually another of course in miracles prayer that I absolutely love is called the Truly Helpful Prayer and it says, I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent him who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do because he who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever he wishes, knowing he goes there with me. I will be healed as I let him teach me to heal. Another wonderful mantra that I often say to myself and right is this one. I am willing to release and heal. My attachments to time and my to do lists everything unfolds in divine timing and it is perfect. Sometimes I just simply say, I expect the best in this moment. Sometimes I stop and just close my eyes and I ask to be directed to where I can be truly helpful. Other times I just say I surrender my plans. I surrender my plans. And it's like me kind of waving the white flag. And as long as I'm led by the voice of love and not my ego, which is always you're missing out. You better hurry up. You're lacking something. Blah, blah, blah, then things will be good, and the actions that I'll take from the place of love and feeling in the flow will be really powerful. So I often do this because there's things that we have to do in life, right? There's things we have to do. One of the things I do when it comes to taking action, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed. So this happened not too long ago when I was trying to find a new therapist for my son. If you heard the episode The Mothering Yourself through your child's crisis episode, you'll know what we went through, and you can go back and listen to that. But one of the things that I wanted to do was find him a new therapist. And I did what I had done before, which was search for the therapist online with the keywords that I needed. Right? And then you're given a whole list, like a whole big Google page of all the different therapists who specialize in this and that, and this. And it's easy to be like, oh, my gosh, how do I know which one to go with? And most people would say, Will you look at the reviews? And that's not what I do. I actually close my eyes and I ask to be led because I know I always will be. And then I open my eyes and I start to scroll through the different therapists. I copy and paste good old Evernote. You will literally hear me talk about Evernote. I should just partner up with them at this point because I dropped their name so often. But I'm not partnering with them. I just have always used them. But what I do is I copy and paste the ones that I feel most pulled towards, and I put them in my Evernote. And then I look over my Evernote, and then I feel which one I feel pulled towards the most. And then I'll check the reviews. But it's almost like I don't even need to, because every single time that I've done this, I'm like, oh, yeah, no wonder why I felt this poll. I've done this with dentists. I've done this with GYNs. I've done this with therapy. I've done this with dermatologists. I've done this with pretty much all professions. Not once has it been a bad experience, literally not once. And I just trust it. And that's the power of taking inspired action. I close my eyes, I see where I feel the poll, and then I check the reviews because my ego needs that, by the way. My ego does need to verify sometimes. Not always, but just kind of like another little checklist. I'm like, okay, this comes from trusting, and that is the biggest piece when we don't trust the plan or the next step without having the whole plan. And I have seen time and time again that inspired action saves time, energy, and money. This just happened. Actually, here's another story for you. So in order to go to the Podfest conference. I booked flights, like, I don't know, three or four months ago. And I left last Tuesday. And on Sunday, I felt this poll to change my flight to an earlier flight. And how that happened was I felt, for whatever reason, to check the weather in Orlando. I checked the weather. I saw that there was a little bit of rain coming in, but like, nothing major, not something I would ever even consider changing a flight for. And I just knew, though, that I needed to change my flight to an earlier one. And I often kind of witness myself being guided and I just kind of know that I'm being guided. And so I changed it without question, without needing any data, without coming up with like, oh, yeah, but the weather is not that bad. And if I do that, then this and if I do this, then that none of that was there. It was just okay, I feel the pole to make the change to an earlier flight. I did it. It was easy to change it. That's always an indication, too, by the way, that you're in alignment with taking inspired action when it just unfolds easy. It's not hard. It's not like trying to fit around peg in a square hole. And so I changed it. I trusted. And so I got to the airport at my earlier time. And as I'm sitting there once again, I felt this pole to go check my old flight, which, by the way, when I was updating my calendar, my Google calendar, I had a knowing I would be referring back to the calendar for my old flight. And so instead of deleting that old event, I just added another event for myself with the new flight information, which I thought was very interesting. So while I sat there, I was like, let me check it. Let me check my old flight. And I was already smiling as I was checking it because I just had this knowing. And guess what? It was canceled. Sure enough, it was canceled. And I just freaking giggled. And a big part of me was feeling this sense of awe. But also I was not surprised because this has happened before so many other times. And I couldn't help but to giggle like, thanks, universe, thanks higherself for having my back. Thank you. And it was interesting too, because as I was sitting there, I think the earlier flight, I think, left at what time was it? 730, which, by the way, was delayed an hour. But the second flight that I booked was at 730. My original 930 was, I guess, the gate next to us from my new flight. And I saw people coming in, coming up to the ticket counter at my gate, my new gate with the earlier flight, you know, talking to the agents, saying, what's going on? I'm here for my 930 flight and it's canceled and they're like, yeah. And so they had to reroute. I think that happened like two or three times. They had to reroute some people. And so, yes, taking inspired action saves time, energy and money. And it really does boil down to trust. You have to trust. And I think again, that's just the hardest part, at least for myself, that I've really had to practice trusting these insights, trusting these polls, trusting these little intuitive hits, these downloads like I call them sometimes it all boils down to trust. And so no, manifesting isn't about sitting on her asses and going to hamuna. Please bring me a new partner. Please bring me millions of dollars. Please bring me this beautiful house. No, it's about aligning with that which you want, declaring it, defining it, calling it in, and you're not making anything happen. You're allowing it to unfold. And that's the biggest feedback that I think I hear from my students and my clients and my programs and my coaching is that that's been the most transformational piece of working with me is because they no longer feel that they have to just make things happen. That takes a lot of energy. So if you are in a space right now where you're wanting to get from point A to point B, I would just get curious. What kind of actions have you been taking? Have they been primarily coming from the ego mind, from the I have to, I shoulds and the comparing, oh, this person is doing this, I got to keep up. Or have you been inspired because those inspirational actions are going to reap you a lot of benefits. And so if you're not coming from that place often, I would just invite you just to get quiet, get quiet more often so that you can kind of clear out the mental clutter so that you can receive the inspired action, the ideas, the solutions, the next steps. And remember that you do not have to know the whole plan. You don't. And if you're a type A perfectionist like I was and I'm continuing to undo for myself, know that that's your work. You have to be okay with not knowing the whole plan and how exactly things are going to turn out. And you just have to really be in the present moment because that's where the juices. That's where those powerful downloads come in, but only when you're quiet enough to hear them or to feel them. Like I said, I often feel that pull to do something and I don't stop myself. I just follow it because that's something coming through me. And so if you're in this space of you have this big idea or this big dream or this big desire, this something that rattles you and makes you feel uncomfortable because you have no idea how you're going to get from point A to point B, know that it's through inspired action. And if you want to shorten the amount of time that it takes you and the energy that it takes you and the amount of money that it's going to take you to get from point a to point B. Go fill out my form for the vision retreat on my website fill it out and join me for the vision retreat because it will take a hell of a lot longer to do it yourself and from this hustling energy that again, I don't know about you, but I'm just done with that. I'm so done with the hustling and making things happen and figuring things out and I would really love to teach you what has been so powerful in my life as well as my clients lives and my students and my programs. So I guess I will leave it at that, actually. And yeah, trying to think if I have anything else to say. I don't think so. Okay, so until next time here's to mindfully creating a life you love thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode of The Manifesto podcast. If you enjoy the show, be sure to listen, rate review, subscribe and follow all episodes of the show available now on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and wherever you love listening to your favorite shows, I'll see you next week.

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Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

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Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

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Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

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Ready to hear what the Manifest U Podcast is all about?? Listen to the EPISODE below...

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"True Inner Peace Is Not Found In The Absence of Chaos,

But In The Ability To Remain Grounded and Centered Amidst The Storms of Life."

~ Jody


Dance Inside the Storm:

Embrace the Chaos, Align with Flow and Ease

Life is full of unexpected challenges—storms that seem to shake us off balance.

Some storms you may be experiencing...

Emotional Storms:

Waves of anxiety, stress, or sadness that feel like they never fully subside.

You may find yourself stuck in cycles of worry, constantly seeking peace but never quite finding it.

Life Transitions:

Major changes—whether it’s a career shift, a relationship ending, or a move—that leave you feeling ungrounded and unsure of your next steps.

Uncertainty and Fear of the Future:

The storm of not knowing what comes next can leave you feeling anxious and paralyzed.

You may feel lost, disconnected, or unable to trust life’s natural flow.

Perfectionism and Control:

Constantly trying to control outcomes or live up to impossible standards, only to feel exhausted and burnt out.

This storm keeps you stuck in a loop of doing, without ever feeling fulfilled.

Relationship Conflicts:

The stormy dynamics of relationships—whether it’s with a partner, family, or friends—can leave you feeling drained, unsupported, or misunderstood.

Financial Pressures:

When money becomes a source of stress, it can feel like a storm you can’t escape from.

You may be caught in cycles of fear around scarcity, security, and your future.

Overwhelm from Daily Responsibilities:

The constant juggling of work, family, and personal goals can feel like you’re spinning in a storm with no way out. You’re always busy, but never really moving forward.

But what if, instead of fighting against the storm, you could learn to move with it?

What if you could find peace, clarity, and alignment in the midst of life’s chaos?

Dance Inside the Storm is a 6-module online program designed to guide you through embracing life’s challenges, aligning with flow, and finding ease—even when life feels out of control.

This program will help you reconnect with your inner calm, navigate uncertainty, and live in harmony with life’s natural rhythm.

Through powerful teachings, guided practices, and practical tools, you’ll learn to:

Navigate life’s storms with grace

  • Develop the tools to stay grounded and calm, no matter what challenges come your way.

Align with the flow of life

  • Let go of the need to control and learn to move with life’s natural currents, allowing ease and alignment to guide you.

Embrace peace within the chaos

  • Discover how to find inner peace, clarity, and trust—even in the most turbulent moments of life.

Module 1: Understanding the Storm – Recognizing Life’s Challenges

Overview: In this module, you’ll learn how to identify the storms in your life, whether they are external challenges or internal struggles. You’ll explore how these storms impact your peace and create resistance.

Key Topics:

  • Identifying personal storms
  • Understanding the connection between resistance and suffering
  • Shifting perspective: seeing challenges as opportunities for growth

Module 2: Cultivating Inner Calm – Finding Your Center

Overview: This module will guide you in developing practices to remain centered and calm, even when chaos is swirling around you. You’ll explore how to create space for peace within yourself, no matter the external situation.

Key Topics:

  • Conscious breathing and mindfulness techniques
  • Grounding exercises for staying present
  • Creating inner calm through daily practices

Module 3: The Art of Surrender – Letting Go of Control

Overview: Learn the power of surrender and how letting go of control allows life to flow more naturally. You’ll explore the difference between surrendering and giving up, and how trust plays a crucial role in finding ease.

Key Topics:

  • Releasing the need to control outcomes
  • Embracing uncertainty with trust
  • Allowing life to support and guide you

Module 4: Aligning with Flow – Moving Gracefully Through Life

Overview: This module focuses on aligning with the flow of life and allowing things to unfold naturally. You’ll discover how to navigate challenges with grace and ease by trusting your inner guidance and living in harmony with life’s rhythm.

Key Topics:

  • Understanding flow and alignment
  • Trusting your intuition as a guide
  • Embracing life’s natural rhythms

Module 5: Thriving in Chaos – Building Resilience and Strength

Overview: In this module, you’ll build emotional and spiritual resilience to thrive during difficult times. You’ll learn how to stay grounded and open-hearted when faced with adversity, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

Key Topics:

  • Strengthening emotional and spiritual resilience
  • Staying grounded during difficult moments
  • Transforming challenges into growth opportunities

Module 6: Dancing with Life – Embracing Ease and Joy

Overview: This final module will bring everything together, teaching you how to dance through life with ease, joy, and flow. You’ll celebrate the inner transformation you’ve experienced and step fully into a life of peace, alignment, and fulfillment.

Key Topics:

  • Integrating peace and flow into everyday life
  • Celebrating your transformation
  • Living in alignment with joy and ease

Next Steps:

At the end of the program, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your journey, set intentions for moving forward, and have the opportunity to continue receiving support through one-on-one guidance or community groups.

PRICE: $297

Are You Ready to Dance Inside the Storm?

Join the waitlist for Dance Inside the Storm and be the first to learn how to live in flow, embrace ease, and find peace—no matter what life brings.

[Click here to sign up for the waitlist]
